Mommy Life

A year of being a mom - a full-time stay at home breastfeeding mom without household help living in a studio-unit condo with a supportive hubby to be exact. Whew! Can’t believe I survived, proud that our little family in our teeny tiny home survived.

My little one Iggy at 7 weeks

I just want to make kwento about our first year (and a few months) into this parenting journey. Looking back and remembering the year that changed my life forever. Iba kasi talaga yong feeling ng naging nanay na ko. My world shifted, I became stronger, wiser I guess, my priorities changed, it's like being reborn again. I read a quote saying:

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." - Osho

... and I could agree to this. Parang ako pa rin naman ito pero iba na. I am grateful that postpartum depression did not hit me, I had anxiety attacks but thankfully it did get better. Breastfeeding would be one of the main reasons kaya sa tingin ko di ako nagka PPD, every time my baby latch he would fell asleep with a smile and that was happiness to me. Luckily, I had no issues on breastfeeding since my lactation massage 3 days after giving birth. That really helped open up the ducts and voila, MILk MILK MILK. No sore nipples, no pain that's why I highly recommend getting it plus they also teach proper latching, positions, how to massage, hand express, and they will encourage you which is such a big deal for a 3 day old mom struggling with .... ahh everything.

The first month is the most challenging days of our life. Hubby and I only managed to go along because we had some help. We stayed in my in-laws and hired a day time nanny who comes 3x a week to bathe Iggy, clean the room and do his laundry. 

Months will pass and you'll realize your getting good at it. Confidence builds up, dumadali na or should I say nasasanay ka na and then your baby will reach another milestone that will again add difficulty. Level up! 
